Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Argenta District

If there is anything charming about North Little Rock, it is the Argenta District.  The city is trying to bring it back to life while maintaining the old school charm.  This was taken at the finish line of this year's Big Dam Bridge ride, which I had to miss thanks to a test (yes, I had a test on a Saturday morning).  All I can say is that I LOVE antique signs!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Mystery

It's been a while since I last posted, but that does not mean I have been a busy little bumble bee.  Two half-marathons. . . check.  Second year of med school. . . check.  Sister's wedding. . . check.  Step 1 exam. . . check.  Three weeks of summer. . . right smack dab in the middle!  Aside from cleaning like crazy (a few months of neglecting to do some house chores sure does builds up), I have been creating.  The question is, what is contained in this lovely yellow roll?  I guess that is the joy of a mystery.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 3: "Breakfast"

I really didn't have much in mind for this shot.  I just had my camera at my side one morning while eating my chocolate-flavored oatmeal before heading out for an 8-mile run.  I'm reading through "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson (so far, amazing book) to learn more about photography.  All I need is to learn how to see things creatively.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 2: "Cold"

The second week of the second semester started off with a "Snow Day"!  I figure Southerners find it more cost efficient to have an occasional snow day instead of investing in snow plows.  Anyhow, the food thing has gone to the wayside and instead I have decided to take on the task of posting one picture every week.  For people with a lot of time on their hands, the project is supposed to be a photo-a-day.  The theme is based on the website I randomly found through Google.  I started a week late, but that's how life goes.  Here is my interpretation of "Cold":

These are the paw prints of Mika, my female Shiba Inu, in the first snow of the year.  It's amazing because these dogs love freezing weather.  They can play for hours in the snow without dog booties or a coat.  That is all for now.  Yippy for snow days!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year, A New Blog

Okay, the new year technically started yesterday, but while letting the bowl of oatmeal and vanilla-flavored Greek yogurt digest before I go out for my 6-mile run, I decided why not start a blog.  It all started while I was flipping through my "Joy of Cooking" book trying to find an easy recipe to cook for dinner tonight.  I can bake a lot of fantastic things, but cooking never came easily to me.  I have decided that this year I will make an effort to cook for most dinners of the week and try to blog about my experience in the kitchen (with a few non-cooking-related ramblings).  I figure I can track my progress and allow for some usage of my camera and minimal artistic abilities to shine through from my science-filled noggin.